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Disc Decompression

Procura Pain and Spine -  - Pain Management

Procura Pain and Spine

Pain Management located in The Woodlands, Shenandoah, TX

Bulging spinal discs cause excruciating pain when the disc pushes against a nerve. If you suffer from this condition, you can get significant pain relief and avoid open surgery with minimally invasive disc decompression. At Procura Pain and Spine, experienced physicians Kenneth Wu, MD, Thomas White, MD, and Yoann Millet, MD, have helped many patients overcome their symptoms and return to an active life by performing disc decompression. To learn more, call the office in Shenandoah, Texas, or book an appointment online today.

Disc Decompression Q & A

What is disc decompression?

Disc decompression, also called microdiscectomy or endoscopic discectomy, is a minimally invasive procedure to treat a bulging disc. The process relieves the pain you experience when the disc pinches a spinal nerve.

Procura Pain and Spine often performs a disc compression procedure to treat a bulging disc in your lower (lumbar) back.

What causes a bulging disc?

The discs located between each vertebra consist of two layers and have a strong outer cover that encloses a gel-like substance in the center of the disc. This unique structure gives discs the ability to absorb shock and stabilize your spine.

Over the years, everyday movement takes a toll on the outer cover, and weak areas develop. Pressure from the vertebrae pushes the inner gel out through the weak spots or cracks when you move. That’s when you have a bulging disc.

Eventually, the disc ruptures, and the gel leaks out. This condition is called a herniated disc.

What symptoms indicate I may need disc decompression?

As the bulging disc pushes against the nearby nerves, you experience lower back pain. Many patients also have pain that radiates down their leg, along with other sensations such as tingling, burning, and numbness. 

What should I expect during disc decompression? 

Procura Pain and Spine performs your disc decompression as an outpatient procedure, so you can go home the same day. After giving you anesthesia, your provider makes a small incision and uses real-time X-ray imaging to insert a narrow, hollow tube through the incision and to the spine.

Once the tube is in place, they guide an endoscope through the tube. The endoscope contains a tiny video camera that sends images to a monitor. After your provider has a good view of your spine, they pass specialized instruments through the tube and gently push the nerves out of the way.

Your provider removes just enough of the bulging disc to remove pressure from the nerves. They treat the disc wall to prevent bulging, remove the instruments, and finish your disc decompression by closing the tiny incision.

What are the benefits of disc decompression?

Disc decompression helps patients avoid traditional open surgery. As a minimally invasive procedure, disc decompression limits trauma, reduces your pain, and leads to less bleeding. You also recover faster after a disc decompression because your provider doesn’t need to cut your muscles.

To learn more about disc decompression, call Procura Pain and Spine or book an appointment online today.